Gemini Unveiled: Decoding Google’s Revolutionary AI Platform

Discover Google’s Gemini AI, a revolutionary platform for content creation and understanding, and explore its transformative capabilities, Large Language Models, and API suite for developers.

Amit Kulkarni
AI Advances


Source: Author

In this blog, we will cover the below topics

  • Introduction
  • Understanding Generative AI
  • Large Language Models
  • An Introduction to Google’s Gemini API
    - Gemini-pro
    - Gemini-pro-vision
  • Conclusion & FAQs


Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our interactions with technology, enhancing user experiences and efficiency. Recent advancements in deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision have enabled AI systems to understand human language, recognize objects in images, and make predictions. As AI continues to evolve, its potential to solve complex problems and improve decision-making processes holds immense promise for the future. In this blog, we will explore Google’s Gemni AI— the fascinating world of AI advancements and their impact on our rapidly changing digital landscape.

Understanding Generative AI

Generative AI is a rapidly evolving field that aims to create unique content by analyzing existing data. It has evolved from probabilistic models in the 1980s to neural networks in recent decades. Current advancements include GPT-3 and reinforcement learning, which showcase the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), Vision, and Code generation. Generative AI spans various domains, each tailored to its specific application. In natural language processing, it creates coherent text, narrates stories, and generates functional code snippets. In computer vision, it creates new images and manipulates existing ones, generating visually stunning content. In music, it allows for the composition of original melodies across various genres. As we navigate this era of innovation, Generative AI is a powerful force that enriches digital experiences and lays the groundwork for future breakthroughs.

Large Language Models

Large language models are advanced AI systems trained on massive text datasets to understand and generate human-like text. They use deep learning and transformer architectures, employing self-attention mechanisms to capture language structure and context. Exposure to diverse sources like books, articles, websites, and code repositories builds a broad knowledge base, enabling them to comprehend and produce coherent text across different subjects and languages. They excel in tasks like language translation, text completion, question-answering, and creative writing.

An Introduction to Google’s Gemini API’s

Google’s Gemini API is a powerful toolkit for developers to integrate AI into their applications. It offers features like Gemini-pro and Gemini-pro-vision, which generate top-tier textual content using pre-trained language models. Gemini-pro-vision focuses on visual content analysis and manipulation using advanced AI algorithms. With user-friendly APIs and comprehensive documentation, it allows developers to fully utilize AI, creating innovative solutions across various domains with ease and precision. In the next section, we will explore two models gemini-pro and femini-pro-vision.

Getting started

Installing the Generativeai library

pip install -q -U google-generativeai

Importing other libraries

import pathlib
import textwrap

import google.generativeai as genai

from IPython.display import display
from IPython.display import Markdown

def to_markdown(text):
text = text.replace('•', ' *')
return Markdown(textwrap.indent(text, '> ', predicate=lambda _: True))

Setting up the API Key

Google provides users with the option to generate an API key through its AI studio, similar to other AI tools. Once the API key is obtained, it can be securely stored within the environment and seamlessly integrated into the code. The following setup is tailored for the Google Collab environment, ensuring smooth implementation and utilization of the API.


The models

Let's take a look at all the models that Gemini has to offer.

for m in genai.list_models():
if 'generateContent' in m.supported_generation_methods:


Our focus will be on the last two — gemini-pro and gemini-pro-vision


Gemini-pro provides developers with access to pre-trained LLMs, allowing them to generate high-quality text content for a wide range of applications. Whether it’s crafting compelling product descriptions, generating creative marketing copy, or enhancing chatbot interactions, Gemini-pro equips developers with the tools to unlock new dimensions of creativity. With support for multiple programming languages and seamless integration with existing platforms, Gemini-pro simplifies the process of incorporating AI-driven content generation into workflows.

Now, that we have installed, imported, and set up the API key, let’s look at some of the use cases.

Generating text output from gemini

  • Loading the gemini-pro
model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro')
  • Ask questions to AI and get a response.
response = model.generate_content("What is the meaning of universe?")


Universe refers to:

1. Celestial Universe:

The entire physical realm of existence, including all matter, energy,
space, and time. Includes all galaxies, stars, planets, and other
celestial objects.


5. Metaphysical Construct:
In philosophy and religion, "universe" may refer to a concept of
ultimate reality or consciousness. Can vary depending on the specific
belief system or worldview.

6. Common Usage:
Often used to refer to the entirety of existence or "everything that is."
Can also refer to specific aspects of reality, such as the natural
world or the realm of human experience.

AI’s generated responses raise concerns about erroneous content and potential ethical breaches, emphasizing the complexities of AI deployment. Addressing these issues is crucial to upholding ethical standards and ensuring responsible AI technology usage. The Gemini AI addressed this issue by sharing prompt feedback.

Let’s check the feedback on the prompt we did earlier — “What is the meaning of universe?”


safety_ratings {
probability: NEGLIGIBLE
safety_ratings {
probability: NEGLIGIBLE
safety_ratings {
probability: NEGLIGIBLE
safety_ratings {
probability: NEGLIGIBLE

The categorization of prompts into four broad categories, each with its corresponding rating indicating the probability of hate, harm, and explicit content, provides assurance regarding the AI’s capacity not only to generate content but also to screen and analyze contextual cues. This suggests that if a prompt falls within the flagged categories, the AI would abstain from generating any response.

response = model.generate_content("How to insult someone?")


ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-24-8a2b00597414> in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 to_markdown(response.text)
block_reason: SAFETY
safety_ratings {
probability: NEGLIGIBLE
safety_ratings {
probability: NEGLIGIBLE
safety_ratings {
probability: MEDIUM
safety_ratings {
probability: NEGLIGIBLE

We see that one of the categories has probability as MEDIUM and hence the response was not generated.


Gemini-pro-vision extends the capabilities of Gemini’s AI beyond text generation, offering advanced image understanding and manipulation features. Leveraging cutting-edge computer vision algorithms, developers can analyze and modify images with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency. From enhancing photo editing applications to automating visual content creation, Gemini-pro-vision empowers developers to push the boundaries of innovation in the realm of visual AI. With intuitive APIs and comprehensive documentation, integrating Gemini-pro-vision into applications is both accessible and efficient.

Generating text from the pictures

Let’s try this picture. We want the AI to list all the items in the picture.

import PIL.Image

img ='image.jpg')

model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro-vision')
response = model.generate_content(["List each of the items.", img],


The image contains the following items:

Fruits: raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, figs,
grapes, kiwi, grapefruit, apple, and pomegranate seeds
Vegetables: spinach, broccoli, carrots, peas, potatoes, bell peppers,
celery, and corn
Legumes: chickpeas, lentils, and beans

We can use a different prompt let’s say “Write a blog on the content of the picture” and it would a piece of paragraph describing the picture.


Google’s Gemini API is a key tool in the AI-driven innovation era. Its versatile capabilities and robust infrastructure allow developers to harness the full potential of Generative AI across various domains. Gemini is a pioneer in content creation, user interfaces, and digital media advancements. It inspires creativity and redefines human-machine collaboration possibilities. By embracing the Gemini API, developers can unlock the full potential of Generative AI, pushing boundaries in content generation, user interaction, and digital media. As we continue to explore AI-driven technologies, Gemini remains a beacon of inspiration, driving transformative experiences and shaping the future of human-machine collaboration.

I hope you liked the article and found it helpful.

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Q1: Is Generative AI the same as traditional AI?
A1: Generative AI, unlike traditional AI, focuses on creativity and content generation, autonomously creating new and original content without explicit programming, unlike traditional AI that follows predefined rules or learns from labeled data.

Q2: Can Generative AI be used for personal projects?
A2: Generative AI tools and platforms are becoming more accessible to individuals for personal projects, enhancing creative endeavors for writers, artists, and hobbyists, allowing them to explore new styles and styles.

Q3: What are the potential applications of Generative AI beyond content creation?
A3: Generative AI has applications in healthcare, finance, and scientific research, aiding in medical imaging analysis, financial modeling, and drug discovery by generating insights and predictions from data.

Q4: What are the potential challenges of using Generative AI?
A4: Generative AI presents potential but also raises ethical concerns, data privacy issues, and algorithmic biases. Addressing these requires careful consideration and proactive measures to ensure responsible and ethical use.

Q5: How can businesses leverage Generative AI for innovation?
A5: Generative AI can help businesses streamline workflows, personalize customer experiences, and drive innovation by automating repetitive tasks, generating custom content for marketing campaigns, and enhancing product design processes in the digital landscape.

